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Thursday, June 16, 2011

First Post :D

So after 3 years a really long time, I am FINALLY making my first post! I am excited to start this journey that has been long awaited. Please bare with me as voyage through these postings.

Seeing that life can get pretty busy around these parts, I am going to have a weekly outline for the types of posts I will be posing. I just feel like it will give me a better guideline and more motivation to write as often as possible. Of course, the topics may stray from time to time. However, I am going to stick with it as much as I can.

The outline of topics will be as follows:

Monday: My life.

Tuesday: Taught by Children.

Wednesday: What I like about you.

Thursday: Taught by Children.

Friday: Fun thoughts.

Saturday: Silent Significance.

Sunday: Miscellaneous.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011
